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When you think of "Arthur", do you think of an aardvark with glasses? This movie's much better than that. If you enjoy British humor, Russell Brand, or wild and crazy ideas (Like buying out the entirety of Grand Central Station for a date), then this is a must-see for you.

By the way, Helen Mirren was great here.

Fuck This Shit


I am so FUCKING TIRED of people and their SHIT MEMORIES. You guys need to fix yourselves instead of trying to fight a losing battle with me. If you love me, if you care about me, TAKE SOME FUCKING MEDICATION, WRITE THE BULLSHIT DOWN OR JUST FUCKING TAKE A HINT AND COMMIT WHAT I SAY TO MEMORY. IT ISNT THAT BLOODY HARD. I'm tired of having arguments with almost everybody I know because they can't be bothered to remember what I have to say.  FUCK YOU PEOPLE.  I am NOT going to start carrying a recorder just because you don't know how to remember shit.  If you want me in your lives, then shit better start to change, or I will make the hard choice for us and LEAVE, because clearly I am not important in your lives. If I was, YOU WOULD REMEMBER MY WORDS.



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